Effect of Aqueous Extract of Agave sisalana (Perr Syn) Root in Cadmium-Induced Infertility in Male Wistar Rat.

Effect of Aqueous Extract of Agave sisalana (Perr Syn) Root in Cadmium-Induced Infertility in Male Wistar Rat.

Omodamiro Olorunsola Dave1, Omodamiro Temidayo Adebusola2, Konyefom Nweze2 and Ajah Obinna1.

1.Pharmacology Unit, Department of Biochemistry, Micheal Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike Abia State

2.Department of Human Physiology, College of Basic Medical Sciences, Federal University Ikwo, Ebonyi State



Key words:

Agave sisalana, aqueous extract, ant infertility, cadmium, reproduction, wistar rats





*Corresponding author: 



DOI: 10.48245/tnpr-2734391.2021.1.202

Page No.: 78-86
Volume: 1, Issue 2, 2020
Trends in Natural Products Research
Copy Right: NAPREG

The effect of aqueous root extract of Agave sisalana Perr. Synon on the semen parameters and serum testosterone level of cadmium-intoxicated male Wistar rats was investigated. Twenty five male rats were divided into five groups of five animals each (Groups I-V). Cadmium (0.2 mg/kg) was administered for seven days to induce reproductive toxicity. The animals were grouped and treated thus; Group 1 (normal control without cadmium), Group II (Cadmium control group) while Groups III-V were dosed orally with 50, 100 and 150 mg/kg of the aqueous root extract of A. sisalana for fourteen days after cadmium intoxication.  The serum testosterone level and semen parameters were determined. There was a significant difference in the serum testosterone level between treated rats and control. The sperm count, sperm motility and sperm morphology were significantly (p < 0.05) increased in the extract-treated rats compared with the Cadmium control group. The result suggested that the A. sisalana root extract has the potential to improve male reproductive function and promote fertility which might be a consequence of both its potent antioxidant properties and androgenic activities.